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    Kim Kardashian's Wedding Dress Will Be $ 8.5 Million

    It seems that Kim Kardashian wants to forget his first marriage ended in disaster.

    Stars up with Kardashians, after only 8 months of dating with her new boyfriend, Kanye West, provide a new brak.Byudzhet will be reduced from 20 million to 8.5 million just for the dress the bride.

    "I always dreamed of a big wedding," said Kim Kardashian magazine OK! If the ceremony is not great, dress, Yumi Katsura signed promises to dazzle guests. Encrusted with real pearls and diamonds, it is safe to say that it will make jealous.

    Kardashian is already in contact with weddings. In particular, she wants to come Beyonce Celine Dion to sing at the ceremony.

    She recently stated that his second marriage has nothing to do with the first, which is celebrated with her ex-husband Chris Humprhries, which also cost millions. "Next time, I want it to be on the island with my friends and family only," then gave a star.

    Kanye West and Kim Kardashian returned from a trip to Rome and Paris, a birthday gift of a young woman. He expects only that the divorce was officially pronounced plan touches his next fight.



